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Short courses

Resources to help you grow in faith and discover your place in God's world.

You will find here resources to help you grow in faith and discover your place in God's world. Who you are and what you do are both seen through God's eyes, who knows you best.

You are already spiritual: a guide to finding your soul 

This guide comes from a conviction that everyone is already spiritual, and has a soul different from every person who has ever lived. It also comes from a conviction that in Jesus, God has come close to each of us, and yearns to meet us by the Spirit; but that the way God will meet you will be in line with the individual spiritual style God has given you, not the spiritual style God has given me. It was created for people working in church schools, but we dare to believe that it could be useful in other setting for people seeking to develop their own spirituality.

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The Bible for Everyday

An introduction for anyone who would like to gain confidence in finding their way around the Bible. You do not need to have opened a Bible before to take part! The course gives a basic outline of the Bible and its contents and looks at how we can read the Bible for ourselves.

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Discovering your SHAPE 

Find out who God made you to be and the gifts you have been given.

Detials here

Facilitating Small Groups 

Whether it is an enquirer’s group, a Lent course, or a PCC sub group, the skills required for helping a group of people learn together have much in common. This course will help participants learn those skills and improve their current practice.

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Time to Share

Learn to talk about your faith. To find out when a course is happening contact Hillary Henry via email.

Prayerful Evangelism

Living distinctively and witnessing effectively: how prayer can shape the way we share our faith.

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Calling All Seniors

Exploring the role of seniors in the work of evangelism.

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Leading Worship

The Diocese of Chelmsford has no scheme for authorising those who lead non-eucharistic worship; anyone whom an incumbent (or in vacancy a churchwarden or Area Dean) asks to lead a service may do so.

However, we strongly recommend that parishes, deaneries and networks train those who are to lead worship. We commend the following materials:

"Wings for Worship" is a six-week course developed by the dioceses of Newcastle, Durham and Chelmsford

"Leading Worship with Confidence" is a very flexible set of materials, designed to be delivered over three sessions, by the Diocese of Chelmsford

"A Simple Guide to Planning and Leading Worship" is a three-session course using video material from Transforming Worship 

Growing in Wholeness

Finding a healthier lifestyle in body, mind and spirit

Witness at Work: Relating faith to everyday life

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Who are the courses for?

The courses are intended for anyone who would like to meet with others to explore and learn more about different aspects of the Christian faith. 

Who and Where?

Each course needs a local tutor willing to commit to leading the course as well as an appropriate venue. An individual parish may want to run a course or a group of parishes or a deanery. Some training for tutors is available from the diocese if required. 

If you would like further information about the courses or suggestions of someone who could lead such a course, please contact Caroline Harding or call 01245 294454.

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact Diane Hardy