This web page provides support and information for parishes about Parish Share.
On this page
An introduction by Bishop Guli
Thank you!
Our Parish Share pays for the stipends of our parish clergy, their housing, training and parish support including legal, financial and safeguarding support. I want to start by thanking you for making all this possible.
Thank you to those of you who serve on PCCs and are good stewards of all that God provides to our churches. Thank you to our Area Deans, Deanery Lay Chairs, Deanery Treasurers and many others who play such an important role in bringing people together to enable generosity and mutual support between parishes.
In particular, I want to thank those of you who give so generously to enable mission and ministry in your own parishes and others across Essex and East London. These are financially challenging times and I know your generosity often comes with considerable personal sacrifice.
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These are also financially challenging times for our churches and I want to reiterate that we continue to be committed to making the best use of our assets, investments and attracting grant funding to help support and subsidise the cost of ministry for our parishes
Parish Support Conversation
At the heart of our parish share scheme and our approach as a Diocese articulated in Travelling Well Together, is a focus on supporting and enabling local parish mission and ministry. Last year, we began a Parish Support Conversation to help us understand how to use our shared central resources in a cost-effective way that responds to the needs being expressed. The first of these conversations is about how we ensure those who care for our church buildings are given the support they need to maintain, manage and improve them. An advisory group of people from a wide variety of roles and contexts across our diocese is currently discerning the priority areas for discussion.They would welcome your thoughts and ideas. Please do take the opportunity to have your say and make this conversation known to others in your church community.
You can find out more about the Church Buildings Support Conversation here.
The Rt Revd Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani
Bishop of Chelmsford

Further guidance and information
Parish Share
- How to read your detailed deanery assessment
- Diocesan Synod Paper, June 2025 Diocesan Budget and Parish Share Scheme
- Detailed explanations:
Finance and giving resources for your parish
Good practice and materials from deaneries and parishes
In this section we will be sharing materials and ideas that have been used in deaneries to support the implementation of the parish share scheme and in particular to encourage and enable mutual support between parishes. If you have materials or ideas that you would like to share, please email
Colchester Deanery Materials
Thank you to colleagues in Colchester Deanery for sharing a Powerpoint presentation and leaflet that was used to support their initial deanery meeting about the new parish share scheme in 2023. They are happy for other deaneries to adapt these resources for their own use.
- Deanery Meeting Powerpoint Presentation (including agenda)
- Deanery Meeting Power Point Presentation (including agenda) as PDF. *
- Deanery Parish Share leaflet
*This PDF version of the presentation may be useful for those without Powerpoint or where the Powerpoint presentation isn't displaying as it should.
Parish share leaflets
This leaflet has been produced for parishes to share in their church community. The leaflet briefly explains the parish share scheme, its underpinning values and how essential it is to supporting local parish mission and ministry in our diocese. The leaflet also contains links to the online resources.
Parishes can order 100 free leaflets for free. Orders can be placed by incumbents, churchwardens or parish administrators. Please ensure orders are placed by Friday 27 September 2024. Leaflets will be dispatched in mid October 2024.