Net Zero Carbon
A practical path to “net zero carbon” for our churches
Church Buildings Council (CBC) - Practical path to net-zero carbon for churches
Safety guidance
Historic England - Lightning Protection
Historic England - Metal Theft from Church Roofs and Replacement Materials
How to carry out Risk Assessment of your church - Ecclesiastical Insurance Link
How to Use fire-risk-assessment-form - Ecclesiastical Insurance
PDF - General Risk Assessment Form - Eccelesiastical Insurance
Places of worship protective security funding applications
Anti-social behaviour in churchyards and church premises
Additional Matters Order - To install Commonwealth War Graves Signage
Bats in Churches Partnership Project - Heritage Lottery fund
Bat Conservation Trust ‘Church Visit Request Form’ (CVRF) - requesting a survey of your church to determine presence of bats
Church Buildings Council Conservation (CBC) Grants
ChurchCare (CBC) Guidance Notes Including - Funding - Sources of Funding for Conservation Projects
Listed Places of Worship (LPW) Grant Scheme
Disposal of church objects
Guide to disposal & Loans of church assets/treasures Church of England Guide
The changing church - a guide to developing and adapting church buildings
The Faculty Jurisdiction Rules