Church Buildings Grants from the Church of England

The Church of England has recently made two grant pots available to dioceses for dissemination to eligible churches.

These grants are for:

  1. Minor repairs and improvements to church buildings
  2. ‘Quick wins’ that will assist Churches in their work toward lowering or offsetting their carbon output.

Please be aware that the uptake for these grants has proved far more popular at this stage than was first imagined and we are heavily oversubscribed. As such at this stage we will not be able to run additional rounds of applications and we will have to make some tough decisions on who we can provide the grants to and when.  While we wish to assist all applications, we may only be able to help a select number at this time by prioritising works of urgency and need and will have to wait until more funds are made available to provide further grants at a later date.

Find out more information about our Funds below.

  • Minor Repairs and Improvements Grants Fund

    The Minor Repairs and Improvement Grants Fun was introduced as part of a national Church of England ‘Buildings for Mission’ initiative over the period 2023 to 2025, funded by the Church Commissioners and administered by the Archbishops’ Council.  These grants are intended to fund projects that are for small-scale but urgent works, and also to help cover essential improvements for the mission and ministry of a church.  The amount available per grant is up to £10,000 (or £12,000, depending on VAT implications).


  • Net Zero Carbon Quick Wins Grant Fund

    As part of the Church of Englands goal to go Net Zero Carbon by 2030 the ‘Quick Wins’ grant has been introduced to help parishes reduce their energy footprint of their Church Buildings including church halls. Small grants will be available to help churches across the country progress with small scale decarbonisation projects. Grants could help churches to buy new LED lighting, pew heaters, insulation or update their electric supply.