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Churchwarden resources

Training resources for Churchwardens in Chelmsford Diocese

This set of materials that can be used to provide training on a number of topics for Churchwardens. There are six sessions in total, the first session is designed to help explain the role of a churchwarden and could be used in the months before the Annual Meeting, when people might be thinking about taking up this role. The other five sessions provide information on the roles of the Churchwarden: being an Officer of the Bishop, being a partner and support to the clergy, being a leading member of the PCC, being a spiritual leader and lastly, the responsibilities during a ministerial vacancy. 

The resources include PowerPoint slides, handouts and a written commentary which can be used to run a group training session. The materials can also be accessed by individuals looking to find out more on a chosen topic.

View the training resources


Parish Resources -

This site is provided by the Church of England’s National Stewardship & Resources team and offers over 400 pages of resources (web & pdf) to support all aspects of stewardship, administration and management in the local church, as well as links to other sites and pages of interest:

  • PCCs - Resources for PCC members (as charity trustees), registering with the Charity Commission, GDPR & APCM forms.
  • People - Resources to help you develop gifts and talents, employ staff, work with volunteers, safeguarding and more.
  • Administration - A range of practical guidance to support aspects of parish administration and management
  • Parish Finance - Resources for treasurers - tips for new treasurers, support on producing accounts, managing risk and reserves.
  • Gift Aid - A range of Gift Aid factsheets including action parishes need to take in 2015 including the Small Donations Scheme.
  • Buying - Find out about the Parish Buying initiative which provides contracts and guidance to save parishes time and money.
  • Giving – Resources to encourage giving, on Giving for Life . Help for Parish Giving Officers, and for nurturing legacy giving.
  • Buildings - Lots of resources on caring for your church buildings, funding them, and running Friends Schemes,
  • Other - A range of other resources. You can also order resources from this site.

Parish Giving Scheme –

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a Direct Debit donation management system offered to support parishes fund their mission and ministry.

It reduces the burden of work on parish volunteers and provides a professional service to donors. It enables you to:

  • Donate monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
  • To sign up to inflation-proof giving annually
  • To enhance your gift to the parish by having Gift Aid at 25% added
  • To give anonymously if you prefer
  • To do so securely

Parish Buying -

A buying service set up by the Church, for the Church. Contracts and discounts are available to all parishes, cathedrals and dioceses in the Church of England.

This includes:

  • Energy
  • Covid-19 supplies
  • Led lights
  • Photocopiers
  • Phone & broadband
  • Insurance
  • Office products
  • IT
  • Fire safety
  • Church supplies
  • Giving and payments
  • Gdpr e-learning
  • Event management
  • Furniture
  • Audio visual

Other helpful links

Key phone numbers and email addresses

Diocesan Office
53 New Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1AT - 01245 294400

Suzannah Meade, DAC Secretary - 01245 294423 or 

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team - 01245 294438 or 01245 294490

Key Local Documents

Churchyard Handbook

Other Resources

Churchwardens Year Book-

Churchwardens: A Survival Guide-The Office and Role of Churchwardens in the 21st Century
By: Martin Dudley and Virginia Rounding

So the Vicar’s Leaving: The Good Interregnum Guide
By: Mike Alexander and Jeremy Martineau

Practical Church Management: A Guide for Every Parish
By: James Behrens

The Churchwarden’s Handbook: A Practical Guide
By: Ian Russell and Helen Elliot

Management Essentials For Christian Ministries
By: Michael J. Anthony and James Estep (eds.)

How to Look After Your Church
By: Council for the Care of Churches

The Churchyards Handbook (Conservation & Mission)
By: Council for the Care of Churches

Sounds Good: A Guide to Church Organs, For Incumbents, Churchwardens and PCCs 
By: Council for the Care of Churches

A Handbook for Churchwardens and the PCC K M Macmorran & T Briden (2006 revision)

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact Revd Andy Griffiths