Person signing some paper Person signing some paper

Overseas Criminal Record Checks

If you are an enhanced DBS applicant and have resided in another country for more than six months within the past ten years, you are also required to complete an Overseas Crminal Record Check via APCS (the company we use to process these).

The recruiter/employer needs to contact the Chelmsford DST by emailing to initiate an Overseas Criminal Record Check. The cost of this depends on the country/countries that the applicant has lived in for more than six months within the past ten years. The cost will be the responsibility of the PCC.


  • The cost of Overseas Crminal Record Checks vary from country to country. The Recruiter/applicant will need to provide us with this information about the applicant so that we can quote the cost:
    Title (i.e Mr, Mrs etc)
    First Name
    Middle Name(s)
    Date of Birth
    All Overseas city/cities and country/countries you have resided in since the age of 18
    Were you a citizen in any of these countries?
    Your Email Address
    Your church role(s) that you are applying for
  • If the PCC decide to proceed with the appointment, please contact us and we will email an invoice to arrange payment. The Overseas Crminal Record Check will not commence until payment has been received. The Diocesan Finance Team do not advise us, the Chelmsford DST, when they receive payment, therefore it is important to let us know once the transaction has taken place, so we can begin the process and avoid any unesscary delays.
  • Once we are in receipt of payment, we will then proceed with arranging the Overseas Crminal Record Check via APCS, and we will send an email directly to the applicant, into which the recruiter will be copied for their reference, with an attached form for them to complete.
  • The form will need completing by the applicant and returning to APCS with the required ID documentation, as explained in the email they are sent. The onus is on the applicant to complete the form as soon as possible and send it to APCS for the Overseas Check to commence.
  • As soon as APCS receive the completed form and required documents, they will commence the Overseas Crminal Record Check accordingly, the result of which is usually provided to us within 5-10 working days, however it can take up to 21 days.
  • We will then notify the recruiter of the results accordingly.

Certificates of good conduct:

  • The recruiter/employer should also try to obtain a certificate of good conduct from these candidates/applicants.
  • The relevant embassy/high commission (or police force) should be contacted for this.
  • Either the recruiter/employer (or the candidate/applicant) should obtain a certified translation of the certificate of good conduct.
  • If such information is not available from the embassy/high commission etc. or if there are concerns about the reliability of the information provided, the recruiter/employer should take extra care when taking up references and checking any previous employment record. In such cases, additional references should be sought and at least one reference from a previous employer should be contacted by telephone as well as by letter.

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact The Safeguarding Team