Bradwell Chapel in a corn field hands and corn stalks

Bradwell Pilgrimage & Gathering

Have you ever wondered what a pilgrimage is like and if it's for you?

Here is an opportunity for you to take part in this one-day pilgrimage to St Peter’s Chapel, Bradwell-on-Sea.

Bradwell Pilgrimage and Gathering is an annual gathering of music, talks and activities that takes place in July at St Peter's Chapel in Bradwell on Sea.

The pilgrimage involves a walk from St Thomas’s Church the village to the chapel. Once there, you can participate in worship and activities designed for people of all ages. So, whilst it isn't exclusively for young people there are plenty of activities for children, young people and families.

Bishop Adam, Bishop of Bradwell says,

‘…many of us know the value of a purposeful journey, one taken for a reason greater than simply another transaction. Our forbears have good things to teach us, not least about becoming attuned to the rhythms of grace as we move across the landscape to connect with it and with our creator.’

Details of the forthcoming Pilgrimage can be found here.

Visit for more details

Inside Bradwell Chapel
Activities for children inside Bradwell Chapel

Alongside the main pilgrimage event, Chelmsford Diocese, supported by Churches Together in Essex & East London (CTEEL), organise and run pilgrimage days for Church of England primary schools in the Diocese. Contact Emma of the Mustard Seed Team for more information.

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact Sarah Wilson